Deathstars tour-dagbog #3
PopulærVores tour med Deathstars bringer os i denne uge fra Prag til Friedrichshafen. Læs med her.
Day #10 Prague 11-11-2011
Day off
Nightmare's birthday. When the bus parked in Old Town, everybody split in different directions. Nightmare and Ewelina had a romantic day in a hotel, Skinny & Vice went out shopping, Whiplasher met up with his mother, father, sister and nephew. Cat had a major sightseeing-day with his parents. Later in the evening the gang met up at the fully packed Harley Bar. They night ended at the exclusive club Darlings.
Day #11 Prague 12-11-2011
O2 Arena
It's not so easy to write about the actual show days. Everyday looks the same. We woke up in the afternoon, ate breakfast in the catering, doing interviews, working out, playing the show, resting, showering, eating dinner, watching a bit of the Rammstein show, say hello to fans and finally party like hell.
Day #12 Poznan 13-11-2011
Day off
It was a very cold and grey day in the concrete landscapes in the Polish city Poznan. Luckily some of us made it out to actually see the city. We stumbled into a bar called Dragon for breakfast. After ordering a meal each and we were looking forward to the Formula 1 race on TV, a polish gentlemen walks up to us and offers us a drink. Half a liter of whiskey later we get our meal and the race begins. The gang is now officially partying again. Our drumtech Saso and Skinny managed to take a taxi around the block and ended up at the same bar again. We're not sure if they tried to go back to the bus or if they just wanted a quick sightseeing tour.
Skinny managed anyhow to be the last man standing, again. Walking out in the wrong direction he walked into another gang consisting of 14 men with a longhaired, bearded man named Jesus in the middle. Skinny asked him for his phone number cause he thought it would be great to stay in touch. Jesus ended the night with showing Skinny the way back to the bus.
Day #13 Gdansk/Sopot 14-11-2011
Ergo Arena
First day in Gdansk. Since we're staying overnight and nothing had to be loaded out of the venue, everybody backstage was in a super-ultra-partymood. It feels like we're finding our way around the stage more and more. We changed the setlist a little and it feels really good now.
Day #14 Gdansk/Sopot 15-11-2011
Ergo Arena
It feels like we really have grown into our dressing room. Everybody has marked their territory and we now consider it home. Skinny has of course set up his gym and managed to persuade Cat to join him. Whiplasher has his office set up with laptop, vodka and boas, Nightmare is writing riffs in one of the corners and Vice has found his place on the toilet due to stomach issues.
We now have a photo shoot coming up with the very talented Carbu.
Day 15# Poznan 16-11-2011
Day off
We are starting to get to now this town now. We decided to do something together today. The crew and band steered their way to the city where we found a restaurant called La Scala. It was definitely the best food and wine we had on this tour so far. Whip, Skinny and our sound maestro Micke CD wanted to see more of the city and managed to squeeze in a good amount of bars before the night ended.
Day #16 Leipzig 17-11-2011
"Tight" is what this arena should be called. The backstage is so small that we have to stay in a little red container outside the venue. Luckily we got the power working so that Cat could straighten his hair. Skinny wasn't feeling to well so he deserted to the bus for the first quiet evening so far on this tour. Everyone else did the opposite. Vice was running around in only his underwear, Whiplasher was lifting girls like he was in a strongman contest, Nightmare had a good amount of beers on the bus and Cat went to an Absinth bar with Saso.
Day #17 Leipzig 18-11-2011
Being sick of the little red container we decided to do something about it. We started with cleaning it and arranging the furnitures. Then we put up cheap copy's of old paintings on the walls but the final touch was when Cat came with fresh flowers from the flower market. It turned out to be the perfect thing to do cause everybody got into a great mood immediately. Cat was so happy that he took of everything but his underwear and boots, running around the bus parking looking good.
Day #18 Lichtenfels 19-11-2011
Paunchy Cats
Whip and Saso spent the whole day in the hospital patching up their broken bodies. Whiplasher entered the stage on crotches, but the party afterwards was chaos. Cool venue, but probably the smallest one we ever have played in. Big thanks to Sebastian, who runs the place, for showing us a great time and the die hard fans that took care of us.
Day #19 Lichtenfels 20-11-2011
Day off
Everyone has been hanging around the hotel. In the afternoon we went to Pain for Art Tattoo, which is just on the top-floor of Paunchy Cats, where Skinny, Cat and Vice and our crew got new tattoos from this great guy Andy. Skinny got his knuckles done saying REDD NEKK, Vice got a raven on his arm, Saso got a red star on his ankle, Vinnie got hand tattoos and Cat got a big chest piece made in memory of his belated dog Werner.
Day #20 Friedrichshafen 21-11-2011
Rothaus Halle
Whiplasher spent the day with another doctor checking his knee, Vice met up with a girl, Skinny, Cat and Night has been hanging around in the backstage listening to Onkel Kånkel. When the mandatory after-show party started Skinny took control over the music and was DJ'ing the rest of the night, much appreciated.
When the party ended we all moved back on the bus and that's when the real hell broke loose. Skinny, Whip, Cat, Saso and Vinnie started a hip-hop and we were rapping until late in the morning.