Uge 39: Ugens Koncerter og Udgivelser
PopulærVi er trådt ind i en ny uge – og denne indeholder folkmetal i København, den sorteste aften i Sønderborg samt hjemmehørende død i Esbjerg. Ja, og så skal vi trakteres med ny lyd fra blandt andre Primordial, Nervosa og Asinhell.
Endnu engang befolkes Pumpehuset, når Udgårdsfest 2023 finder sted på fredag.
Efter sigende skal du til at skynde dig at købe billetter, for der er rift om dem, og de heldige har da også Heidevolk, Crom, Hamradun og bl.a vores egen Nanna Barslev at se frem til. Nanna Barslev husker vi bl.a fra Huldre, og hun debuterede sidste år med sit første soloalbum. Et album vi her på Devilution gav topkarakter. Også Vansind, Idaslet og Lotan kigger forbi.
Dansk-tyske Asinhell der består af Michael Poulsen (Dominus/Volbeat), Marc Grewe (Morgoth/Insideous Disease) og Morten Toft Hansen (Raunchy/Blood Eagle) udsender ‘Impii Hora’ på fredag, og der er lagt i ovnen til dødsmetal af den gode, oldschool slags.
Varm op med singlerne, og læs eventuelt med om, da vi fangede Michael Poulsen til en snak om projektet for nylig.
Maceration var første band til at udsende genren dødsmetal på plade i Danmark, og udgav sidste år den fortrinlige comeback-plade ‘It Never Ends…’. På fredag gæster de byen, hvor det hele startede, og ‘Huset’ i Esbjerg lægger trange rammer til. Det bliver med sikkerhed varmt, voldsomt og fedt! Nå ja.. Helge, Rå Løg og Destabilizer kommer også.
Nervosa udsender deres femte album på fredag. Albummet hedder ‘Jailbreak’ og ud fra de første singler at høre har vi en aldeles aggressiv, men melodiøs og toplækkert produceret thrashmetal-plade i vente. Mon ikke også det rimeligt sikkert er et band, vi kan forvente at se på næste sommers europæiske festivaler?
Ugens koncerter
Astrosaur + Karambolage – HeadQuarter, Aarhus.
Udgårdsfest 2023: Heidevolk + Hamradun + Nanna Barslev + Vansind + Crom + Idaslet + Lotan – Pumpehuset, København.
Maceration + Helge + Destabilizer + Rå Løg – Huset, Esbjerg.
Asinhell ‘Impii Hora’: Release party – Left Hand Path, København.
Mercenary + Billy Boy In Poison – Skråen, Aalborg.
Astrosaur + Late Night Venture + Karambolage – Loppen, København.
Natjager + Miller – Templet, Lyngby.
The Grindcore Family Weekend, 10 Anniversary: Anal Anus Angreb + Anüs + Attack Of Rage + Accion Mutante + Calcinado + Cranial Sludge + Choked By Own Vomit + Decorticate + Endless Swarm + Excrementory Grindfuckers + Genocide Doctrine + Grid + Mocovy Khameni + NxAxG + Pustulant Flesh + Repulsive Feast + Suture + UxDxS – Ungdomshuset Dortheavej, København.
Denial Of God + Strychnos – Sønderborghus, Sønderborg.
SYL + Tvivler + Writhe – Lille Vega, København.
Red Warszawa + Idaslet – Den Grå Hal, København.
John Cxnnor + Hiraki – Ideal Bar, København.
Metal I Forsamlingshuset: Junkyard Drive + Lipid + Lightchapter + Cold Drop + eXcm – Forsamlingshuset, Gylling.
Pedal To The Metal: President Fetch + Rådne Lunger + Java Skull – Studenterhuset, København.
Folk Metal Night: Grimner + Vailos m.fl – 1000Fryd, Aalborg.
Timechild – Banehuset, Sommersted.
Haze Of Society – Industrien, Esbjerg.
Knud: Razor Blades + Freakliners + Blind Baby C – Frølageret, Odense.
The Grindcore Family Weekend, 10 Anniversary: Anal Anus Angreb + Anüs + Attack Of Rage + Accion Mutante + Calcinado + Cranial Sludge + Choked By Own Vomit + Decorticate + Endless Swarm + Excrementory Grindfuckers + Genocide Doctrine + Grid + Mocovy Khameni + NxAxG + Pustulant Flesh + Repulsive Feast + Suture + UxDxS – Ungdomshuset Dortheavej, København.
John Cxnner + Hiraki – Ideal Bar, København.
Heart Of A Coward + TheCityIsOurs – Stengade, København.
The Grindcore Family Weekend, 10 Anniversary: Anal Anus Angreb + Anüs + Attack Of Rage + Accion Mutante + Calcinado + Cranial Sludge + Choked By Own Vomit + Decorticate + Endless Swarm + Excrementory Grindfuckers + Genocide Doctrine + Grid + Mocovy Khameni + NxAxG + Pustulant Flesh + Repulsive Feast + Suture + UxDxS – Ungdomshuset Dortheavej, København.
Ugens udgivelser
Lamaw ‘The Ruthless Desecration’ (Brutal Death Metal)
Sevo ‘Aurora do Triunfo Herétiko (Death Metal)
72 Legions ‘What a God Could Be’ EP (Melodic Death Metal)
Castleumbra ‘Nammu Tammtu’ (Death Metal)
Desecresy ‘Deserted Realms’ (Death Metal)
SiM ‘Playdead’ (Alternative Metal/Nu-Metal)
Iron Altar ‘Promethean’ (Groove Metal/Metalcore)
Velocidad 22 ‘Alcohol y Gasolina’ (Heavy Metal)
Withdraw ‘2022: The Madness Continues…’ Compilation (Black Metal)
Primordial ‘How It Ends’ (Black Metal/Celtic Folk)
Nervosa ‘Jailbreak’ (Thrash Metal)
Groove Street ‘The Path To Righteousness’ (Thrash/Hardcore/Crossover)
Asinhell ‘Impii Hora’ (Death Metal)
Terra Builder ‘Solar Temple’ (Death Metal)
KK’s Priest ‘The Sinner Rides Again’ (Heavy Metal)
Woe ‘Legacies of Frailty’ (Black Metal)
‘68 ‘Yes, and…’ (Noise Rock/Punk Rock)
Svartkonst ‘May the Night Fall’ (Black/Death Metal)
Wolves In The Throne Room ‘Crypt of Ancestral Knowledge’ EP (Atmospheric Black Metal)
Fearing ‘Destroyer’ (Post-Punk)
Omnivortex ‘Circulate’ (Technical Death Metal)
Avulsed ‘Vomiting Corpses’ Boxed Set (Death Metal)
The Hirsch Effekt ‘Urian’ (Artcore/Post-Punk/Progressiv Metal)
Harms Way ‘Common Suffering’ (Hardcore/Hardcore Punk)
Sinnery ‘Below the Summit’ EP (Thrash Metal)
Disguised Malignance ‘Entering the Gateways’ (Death Metal)
Taproot ‘Sc\Ssrs’ (Alternative Metal/Rock)
Transilience ‘Nervesaw’ EP (Progressive Thrash Metal)
Rorcal ‘Silence’ (Sludge/Post-Hardcore/Doom)
Atena ‘Subway Mayhem’ (Metalcore)
Hate Forest ‘Celestial Wanderer / Sowing with Salt’ Compilation (Black Metal/Ambient)
Nganga ‘Phthisis’ EP (Black Metal)
Stam1na ‘X’ (Progressive/Thrash-/Heavy Metal)
Caged ‘From Roving About the Earth’ (Doom/Death Metal)
Mastication ‘Assassinating Materials’ Compilation (Death Metal)
Trivax ‘Eloah Burns Out’ (Death/Black Metal)
Iskandr ‘Spiritus Sylvestris’ (Black Metal)
Black Stone Cherry ‘Screamin’ At The Sky’ (Rock/Hardcock)
Filth Is Eternal ‘Find Out’ (Punk/Hardcore/Crossover)
Moonlight Sorcery ‘Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle’ (Melodic Black Metal)
Sky Empire ‘The Shifting Tectonic Plates of Power - Part One’ (Progressive Metal)
Waldgeflüster ‘Unter Bronzenen Kronen’ EP (Black Metal)
Tides Of Sulfur ‘Apathy Chasm’ (Sludge/Death Metal)
Dyecrest ‘Once I Had a Heart’ (Heavy/Power Metal)
Kadaverficker ‘Superkiller (A Musical Journey Between Life and Death)’ (Grindcore/Sludge/Death Metal)
Dwaal ‘Never Enough’ (Sludge/Post-Metal)
Superlynx ‘4 10’ (Stoner/Psychedelic Doom Metal)
Wells Valley ‘Achamoth’ (Post-Metal)
Dismal Aura ‘Imperium Mortalia’ (Black Metal)
Psychework ‘Spark of Hope’ (Heavy/Power Metal)
A Felled Forest ‘Requiem for a Black Heart’ EP (Black Metal)
Sacrifire ‘The Art of Decay’ (Gothic/Death/Doom Metal)
Dark the Suns ‘Raven and the Nightsky’ (Melodic Death/Gothic Metal)
Satan Worship ‘Satanik Overdose of Hell’ (Black/Thrash Metal)
Night in Gales ‘The Black Stream’ (Melodic Death Metal)
Karras ‘We Poison Their Young’ (Death Metal/Powerviolence/Crust)
Obsidian Tide ‘The Grand Crescendo’ (Progressive Metal/Rock)
Ruin Lust ‘Dissimulant’ (Black/Death Metal)
Sabhankra ‘Rotting Helios’ EP (Melodic Black/Death/Thrash/Folk)
Just Before Dawn ‘A War Too Far’ (Death Metal)
Ashbringer ‘We Came Here To Grieve’ (Atmospheric Black Metal)
Den Saakaldte ‘Pesten Som Tar Over’ (Black Metal)
Code Orange ‘The Above’ (Metalcore)
Columbarium ‘The Morbidious One’ (Doom Metal)
Helve ‘To Be Forgotten’ (Sludge/Post-Metal)
Blencathra ‘II - On These Shores Where Nothing Now Stands’ (Pagan/Atmospheric Black Metal)
Choria ‘Beyond the Veil, Swallowed Towards the Past’ EP (Atmospheric Black Metal)
Devil’s Gateway ‘Eternal Grind’ (Death/Doom/Crust)
Fraise ‘The Fifth Sun, Pt. II’ (Power/Heavy Metal)
WarWolf ‘The Apocalyptic Waltz’ (Heavy Metal)
Wampyric Rites ‘The Rites of the Vampire Inscriptions’ EP (Raw Black Metal)
Just Heroes ‘Heroes’ EP (Heavy Metal)
Rat King ‘Psychotic Reality’ (Death Metal/Grindcore)
Atropine ‘Sanity Desecration’ (Death Metal)
Titanosaur ‘Echoes’ (Stoner Metal/Rock)
Wizards of Wiznan ‘No Light Has No Shadow’ (Doom/Death/Stoner)
Sacred Dawn ‘Dismal Swamp’ (Progressive Heavy/Rock)
Besra ‘Transitions’ (Avantgarde/Sludge/Post-Metal)
Of Virtue ‘Omen’ (Metalcore)
Caixão ‘Knaga’ (Black/Death Metal)
Marthyrium ‘Through the Spheres of Darkness’ (Black Metal)
Deathfucker ‘God Devourer’ (Thrash/Death Metal)
Cloud Catcher ‘Return from the Cauldron’ (Heavy/Doom/Stoner Metal)
Bio Terror ‘Blasfemia, Sodomia Y Muerte’ Compilation (Black/Thrash Metal)
Hilliker ‘Slaughter at Studio 31’ Live Album (Death Metal)
Falling Giants ‘Whirlwind Hymns’ (Stoner/Sludge/Doom/Progressive)
XI ‘Praxis Del Negro Magisterio’ EP (Black Metal)
Haunt ‘Chariot Vol. 1’ Compilation (Heavy Metal)
Pagan Throne ‘Land of the Greeks’ (Pagan Black/Power Metal)
Novere ‘Nothing Stays Hidden in Daylight’ (Progressive Post-Rock/Metal)
Rot Spewer ‘Purging the Realm’ (Slam/Brutal Death Metal)
Gorath ‘Invocation of the Ancient Beast (The Complete Works) Compilation (Black/Death Metal)