Top 5 – Isolation i drømmeland
Mørke skygger kaster sig over vort land. Basale frihedsrettigheder er under pres, og almenvældets løftede øjenbryn har taget form af ... fællessang? Som en særlig service bringer vi hermed fem forslag til fællessange om friheden, der er blevet os berøvet.
For fotografen er vi tæt på at opnå den ultimative lykke. Alt utidigt krammeri er forbudt, alt afsprittes hele tiden, og alle har altid nok toiletpapir, men i praksis er det så småt på sin plads at reflektere over forholdet mellem principper, ansvarlighed og virkemidler.
1. Napalm Death - "The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code"
The code is red... Long live the code
Lighting the way to a panic mode.
Switched up to - switched up to subdue when the masses switch off
The code is red... Long live the code
Whip up a storm and they'll play along.
Barricades built - barricades built to deter ficitional threats
Dissected, observed
Under an all - seeing microscope
Dissected, observed
Be the perfect specimens
Lighting the way - lighting the way, subjugate, illuminate.
It's ego and worse
It brings us to "zero tolerance"
It's ego and worse
To suffocate diversity
And decree it an aggressive disease.
There will always come a threat once the plebs step out of line
A fabricated perpetrator biding his time.
They'll take us up to fever pitch and watch intolerance spread.
And you'll be none the wiser with a paranoid mindset.
2. Havok - "Give Me Liberty... Or Give Me Death"
Cut the rotting branches of Government that stop the people from having meaning today
Stay out of my business and keep to yourself
Got to do things my own way
Minimizing freedom with your rules and regulations
A never-ending hunger to control
Choking out the life of your own population
Abusing the power you hold
For the Power
Give me Liberty... or Give me Death
Give me Liberty... or Give me Death to our Independence
Death to those who fight
Death to our Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Showing no regard for the way things ought to be
Stripping away rights from you and me
The Founding Fathers would be rollling in their graves
If they could see what you are doing to this place
The next thing to go is our Freedom of Speech
So i'll speak up while i still can and maximize my reach
For the Power
Give me Liberty... or Give me Death
Give me Liberty... or Give me Death
I find it hard to believe
Some things are better left unsaid
Is this the land of the free?
Democracy is Dead
Cut the rotting branches of Government that stop the people from having meaning today
Stay out of my business and keep to yourself
Got to do things my own way
Minimizing freedom with your rules and regulations
A never-ending hunger to control
Choking out the life of your own population
Abusing the power you hold
For the Power
Give me liberty or Death
"When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty"
3. Megadeth - "Symphony of Destruction"
You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch peoples heads a'roll
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the Symphony ...
Of Destruction
Acting like a robot
Its metal brain corrodes
You try to take its pulse
Before the head explodes
The earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
A'warring for the heavens
A peaceful man stands tall
4. Satyricon - "Repined Bastard Nation"
Do we need another bastard nation...
Another force-fed disgust
Do we need another bastard nation...
Aiming at us clinically
Like an insect-swarm
Towards the shapeless mouth
Of a dead whore
We need the spirit, the voice, the angel of light
Arising from melted mass
We need the spirit, the voice, the angel of light
Taking invincible shape
To standing ovation
Repossessing night and her hand's godly touch
The unbearable feeling of hitting that
Dark wall is a scene that must come to an end
Eartly decay in front of our eyes
Now, now it's killing for a living
No more repined bastard nation
A generous gesture to a people so blind
No more repined bastard nation
Fumbling, descending, away from the light
It takes a non-poisoned creature
To withstand a monster that has grown and spawned,
A darkness, I can not tolerate
A darkness we must bury
Do they feel, do they absorb our pain...
The search to justify one truth
Do they feel, do they absorb our pain...
The greater understanding
It takes a non-poisoned creature
To defeat and destroy a monster,
That has grown and spawned
A darkness, a darkness we can not tolerate
5. Gorefest - Revolt
The systematic rape of the way I am living
It makes me mad, it makes me sad, it makes me unforgiving
I'm sick of being silent
I'm sick of being numb
Whatever war they think they're winning, fuck it
We have just begun
Regardless of the outcome
Our future is untold
Kill with rage, die in flames
The future is untold
Twenty million graves are dug by catholic religion
It makes me mad, it makes me sad, it makes me unforgiving
I come to one conclusion -
No room for absolution
Someone ought to shout you in the name of retribution
Regardless of the outcome
Our future is untold
Kill with rage, die in flames
The future is untold
[INTERLUDE (Radio crackling)]
Voice: 'And yes, I can understand that it was quite disturbing for the majority of the population when the world leaders, both political and religious, were taken out of their offices and shot on the streets. But, looking back at that day, it was by far the best thing the 21st-century brought us.']
Regardless of the outcome
Our future is untold
Kill with rage, die in flames
The future is untold
Where's the voice of the intellectuals?
Where's the burning barricade?
All I see is conformation to the ongoing rape!
Where's the killing of the tyrants?
Where's the death of the state?
All I see is conformation to the stalemate!